Make 2024 a year to grow. Take part in one of our courses this year and see your life, faith and leadership go to a whole new level. (scroll to the bottom to sign up)

Lead 101
Step into your leadership journey and discover the gold that's inside of you! Next intake starts 9 May
Freedom In Christ
Unlock the power of Christ in you and step into the freedom Christ won. This course gives practical tools and theological truths to help you understand and access the Kingdom of Heaven in your life. 
The Gifts and Passion for Serving (GAPS) course is designed to help you discover more about your giftings and passions and how to use these to serve God and walk out your purpose in life.
I:Lead is personal leadership course that's designed to equip and empower you to lead yourself. Through i:Lead you will learn key principles which will teach you how to be healthy internally and get into top personal form.